My journey into fitness began back in 2007. I grew up a very skinny, thin kid. Standing 5’11” at 145 lbs. at the age of 26, I had always seen myself differently inside and to be honest was tired of being picked on and called names all my life growing up. I was always active and healthy: playing soccer, hiking and backpacking but never worked out or knew anything about weightlifting.
In 2005, I accepted a job where I had the privilege of spending almost every day for three years with the greatest fitness icon ever. Working for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the capacity that I did allowed me get to know him personally and learn a lot from him; from his business sense to his passion for many things; such as real-estate, boots and cigars, but mostly his true love of fitness and educating people about healthy living. I walked into a 24 Hour Fitness in Roseville, California and have been going six days a week ever since.
This is truly a passion and lifestyle for me. It has taken me deep into the supplement world, working as the Director of Market Development for Woodbolt Distribution, an international sports nutrition and dietary supplements company. I’ve helped design, launch and market some of the fastest rising supplements in the industry , from Cellucor’s C4 to NO3 Chrome. I have a passion for helping others achieve their goals, whatever they may be with focusing on health, nutrition and balanced supplementation.
Products such as these have fueled me during my journey and I love the value they add for other individuals’ aspirations. My goals now have moved me from behind the scenes to in front of the camera where I can share my journey / transformation and provide motivation, inspiration and support to others on their personal health and fitness journeys.
“Give me the courage to show up and let myself be seen” Brene Brown